Nana Akosua: Portfolio Website

This is a Landing Page to my Portfolio Website, Feel free to explore


Features of the Website

Contact Form

This feature allows visitors to contact me via email

Using the api for web3 forms allows this contact form to successfully send the input message to my email account

Hero Section

The hero section captures what I am all about and a link to my portfolio

it also provides links to my other social accounts

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Portfolio Page

The portfolio Page displays my projects and has a filter feature

In here my projects are categorized according to the tyoe of project it is

Web Dev, UI/UX, and Graphic Design


A display of services I provide

The purpose of this display is to showcase the variety of services I provide to my clients

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Case Study

A case study page that displays my working process, goals and a link to my prototype

Each project leads to a page or pdf that contains the case study for the project